
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

In optics, a Giresâ€"Tournois etalon is a transparent plate with two reflecting surfaces, one of which has very high reflectivity. Due to multiple-beam interference, light incident on a Giresâ€"Tournois etalon is (almost) completely reflected, but has an effective phase shift that depends strongly on the wavelength of the light.

The complex amplitude reflectivity of a Giresâ€"Tournois etalon is given by

r = âˆ' r 1 âˆ' e âˆ' i δ 1 âˆ' r 1 e âˆ' i δ {\displaystyle r=-{\frac {r_{1}-e^{-i\delta }}{1-r_{1}e^{-i\delta }}}}

where r1 is the complex amplitude reflectivity of the first surface,

δ = 4 π λ n t cos ⁡ θ t {\displaystyle \delta ={\frac {4\pi }{\lambda }}nt\cos \theta _{t}}
n is the index of refraction of the plate
t is the thickness of the plate
θt is the angle of refraction the light makes within the plate, and
λ is the wavelength of the light in vacuum.

Nonlinear effective phase shift

source : www.google.sr

Suppose that r 1 {\displaystyle r_{1}} is real. Then | r | = 1 {\displaystyle |r|=1} , independent of δ {\displaystyle \delta } . This indicates that all the incident energy is reflected and intensity is uniform. However, the multiple reflection causes a nonlinear phase shift Φ {\displaystyle \Phi } .

To show this effect, we assume r 1 {\displaystyle r_{1}} is real and r 1 = R {\displaystyle r_{1}={\sqrt {R}}} , where R {\displaystyle R} is the intensity reflectivity of the first surface. Define the effective phase shift Φ {\displaystyle \Phi } through

r = e i Φ . {\displaystyle r=e^{i\Phi }.}

One obtains

tan ⁡ ( Φ 2 ) = âˆ' 1 + R 1 âˆ' R tan ⁡ ( δ 2 ) {\displaystyle \tan \left({\frac {\Phi }{2}}\right)=-{\frac {1+{\sqrt {R}}}{1-{\sqrt {R}}}}\tan \left({\frac {\delta }{2}}\right)}

For R = 0, no reflection from the first surface and the resultant nonlinear phase shift is equal to the round-trip phase change ( Φ = δ {\displaystyle \Phi =\delta } ) â€" linear response. However, as can be seen, when R is increased, the nonlinear phase shift Φ {\displaystyle \Phi } gives the nonlinear response to δ {\displaystyle \delta } and shows step-like behavior. Giresâ€"Tournois etalon has applications for laser pulse compression and nonlinear Michelson interferometer.

Giresâ€"Tournois etalons are closely related to Fabryâ€"Pérot etalons.


source : link.springer.com

  • F. Gires, and P. Tournois (1964). "Interferometre utilisable pour la compression d'impulsions lumineuses modulees en frequence". C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris. 258: 6112â€"6115.  (An interferometer useful for pulse compression of a frequency modulated light pulse.)
  • Giresâ€"Tournois Interferometer in RP Photonics Encyclopedia of Laser Physics and Technology

source : www.google.com.pg

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